domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

"What's the weather like today?" -1ºB

Yesterday was a very special day for 1ºB , they've won tickets to go to the Lisbon zoo :) Hoooray!!
In my opinion they've won the competition  specially because they are wonderful kids, they have an amazing TIC teacher: Cristina, and they have very special and motivated parents :) Congratulations 1ºB, Cristina and 1ºB parents!

Let's move on so I can tell you about the english lesson :)
Yesterday we started a new theme: weather . First we played a guess game  with weather drawings on the board, then they learned different answers to the question "What is the weather like?" (It's sunny, It's cloudy, It's rainy, It's snowy, It's windy). We played kim's board game in which they had to close their eyes while the teacher erased one of the weather symbols/drawings on the board, then they had to open their eyes and say which picture was missing.The game continued until there were no pictures on the board and students had to remember the five  kinds of weather.

It's snowy  
It's cloudy

It's sunny

It's windy

It's rainy

Finally students learned a new song "What's the weather like today?" 

What's the weather like today?
It's rainy, it's rainy
What's the weather like today?
It's rainy today

What's the weather like today?
It's snowy, it's snowy
What's the weather like today?
It's snowy today

What's the weather like today?
It's sunny, it's sunny
What's the weather like today?
It's sunny today

What's the weather like today?
It's windy, it's windy
What's the weather like today?
It's windy today

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

O João Pedro já não se lembrava de algumas partes da música e agora com a letra e a música aqui já podemos cantar juntos.

teacher Anabela disse...

:) Que bom Margot e João! :)

sandra matos disse...

o ivo não comentou nada da aula mas amanha já lhe pergunto o que aprendeu a ver do que ainda se lembra... obrigado por partilhar teacher Anabela

teacher Anabela disse...

Ai que malandreco o Ivo, mas de certeza que assim que perguntar ele lembra-se :)