terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

Animals - Endangered species -4ºA

Last week, as the 4th grade is learning about wild animals I thougt it would be good to talk about wild species that are in danger of extintion. One of the activities was to listen(without watching the video) to the song "I'll swim, i'll swim" by Kelly family and pay attention to the sounds of animals and try to take notes of their names

After that I gave students the lyrics but incomplete, the words missing were the ones that were related to what I wanted to talk about with the students (ex: rescue, swim,dream,children, killing, sea,) They listened to the song twice and completed the lyrics.As we corrected we talked about endangered species, the importance of keeping them alive, take care of them etc...

Finally I showed them a page about engangered species : http://www.enchantedlearning.com/coloring/endangered.shtml and in pairs they had to choose one animal and search some basic information about it  .  name/ where does it live?/ what does it eat?

Afterwards they presented their animal to the class.

terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013

Pets - 1ºA

Yesterday, the first graders lesson started with the adaptation of the well known song "Who let the dogs out?" It goes like this:

"Who let the dogs out ?
woof, woof, woof

Who let the dogs out ?
woof, woof, woof
 Who let the cats out?
miow, miow, miow
Who let the cats out?
miow, miow, miow
Who let the hamster out?
hi hi hi hi
Who let the hamster out?
hi hi hi hi
Who let the bird out?
piu piu piu
Who let the bird out?
piu piu piu

After that I taught them a chant which involved more animal names and the body coverings.
They chanted and made some rhythm with clapping , tapping legs, tapping the table...etc
 The chant was like this:

Turtle , guinea pig , fish
Turtle , guinea pig , fish
Turtle , guinea pig 
Turtle , guinea pig , 
Turtle , guinea pig , fish

shell , fur and scales
shell , fur and scales
shell , fur
shell , fur 
shell , fur and scales

We repeated this faster and slower and afterwards we started another activity: I gave the students a milk carton and various materials and asked them to create an animal puppet.
Then they presented it to the class

At the end I presented an african musical instrument to the class, the calimba and we used/played it with the previous chant. I also let some students try to play the calimba

quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013

Game "Angry puffles" -3rd grade

Long time no see right? ;) Well , here I am posting about my beloved students and how we have fun while learning English. Before the Easter holidays the 3rd graders tested a game I invented "Angry puffles" , an adaptation of angry birds. This game is more than throwing puffles (the cute soft furry creatures) , let me explain:

- Students are given a paper and they must draw a farm animal from the story "What the ladybird heard"
- Teacher writes numbers on milk cartons 
- Teacher puts some numbered cards on the table next to the milk cartons
- Students are divided in groups 

The game:
- A member from each group  at a time has the chance to throw 2 times a puffle to the pile of milk cartons
 - the milk cartoon that falls has a number and the group must pick the same numbers on the pile of cards.These cards have animals descriptions
 - Teacher reads the description on the card and the group must guess what animal is it
- Finally students use the cards with drawings of animals to stick on the milk cartons that fell of the pile

Guess as much animals as possible

Here's some pictures