quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2012

Countries and nationalities - football players poster - 4ºA

Last week I asked the 4th graders to make a poster with a world map and  some football players on the countries where they play. They would also have to make speech bubbles next to the football players and complete the sentences " I'm ___________(nationality), I play football in _________(country).I told them to do this with some help from their family.

Here are some results

Last Tuesday students presented their map and introduced the football players they chose. 

Semana passada pedi aos alunos do 4º ano que fizessem um poster com um mapa e com jogadores de futebol nos países em que estes jogam. Eles tinham de colocar balões de fala junto aos jogadores e completar as frases :" I'm ___________(nationality), I play football in _________(country). Disse aos alunos para fazerem o trabalho com ajuda dos familiares.

Ficam aqui alguns resultados.

Na passada terça-feira os alunos apresentaram o mapa e os jogadores que escolheram.