sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2013

At the doctor's 3ºB

Yesterday 3ºB had the same lesson as 3ºA in which they watched a video of some children role -playing a scene at the doctor's , after rehearsing the dialogue they role-played it themselves.
Here's one example:

Ontem o 3ºB teve a mesma aula que o 3ºA , na qual assistiram a um video com algumas crianças a dramatizar uma cena no médico , depois de ensaiarem o diálogo os alunos dramatizaram a cena.

Fica aqui um exemplo:

quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013

"At the doctor's" role play 3ºA

Today the 3rd graders watched  a video in which some children role-played a scene at the doctor's , afterwards they trained the dialogue again (they have done it before in the previous lesson) and role-played it.
Some of the results are here:

Hoje os alunos do 3º ano assistiram a um video em que crianças representavam uma cena no médico , depois disso os alunos treinaram o mesmo diálogo de novo( já o tinham feito também na aula anterior) e finalmente representaram o mesmo.

Aqui estão alguns resultados:

 - Doctor, doctor my _________ hurts!
 - Which ____________?
- Ouch
 - Take these M&M's and and you will feel better
 - Thank you doctor, I feel better already

Put your umbrella up song - 4ºA

Last lesson the 4th graders brought some objects to help their performance in the weather forecast role-play .

Look how committed to the role-play they are

Later on that lesson as it was "raining cats and dogs" they learned a new song " Put your umbrella up"

segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013

Body - puppets description -3ºA

Some days ago I asked the 3rd graders to make a puppet at home with the family's help and bring it to class , so they could introduce it to their colleagues and me.
Here's some results:

quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013

To parents/Para os pais

Some parents asked me how they could help their children to improve their English fluency.
One good way is to let them listen to English as much as possible: use songs, stories, cartoons...
Here's a very good site with songs, stories and game to different English levels

Alguns pais perguntaram-me como ajudar os filhos a melhorar a sua fluência da língua inglesa.
One boa forma de o fazer é a exposição à audição da língua inglesa quer pela música, histórias ou desenhos animados...
Fica aqui um site muito bom com canções, contos e jogos adaptados a diferentes níveis de inglês:

Here's an example of a video about jobs (2nd graders are learning about jobs)

Here's a story about family (1st graders)

quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013

Weather forecast - 4th grade


Last lesson the 4th graders filled in a UK map with different kinds of weather acoording to what they read in a text

Na aula passada os alunos do 4ºano completaram um mapa do Reino Unido com os diferentes tempos meteorológicos de acordo com o que leram num texto

After filling in the map and train reading the text aloud Students role-played a weather forecast.
Here's the first result:

Depois do preenchimento do mapa e de treinarem a leitura em voz alta os alunos representaram um boletim meteorológico televisivo.
Aqui está o 1º resultado: 

Despite some anxiety the students were able to role play very well and were really motivated, they even asked if they could take the text home to rehearse it.:)

Apesar de alguma ansiedade os alunos conseguiram representar muito bem e estavam mesmo motivados, prova disso foi terem pedido para levar o texto para casa com o objectivo de ensaiar.:)

sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013

Body and physical description -3rd grade


Yesterday I was going to use the tool Manual Digital in my lesson with the 3ºB but due to some technical difficulties ( Manual Digital  wasn't installed in the computer as it should be) I had to improvise ;)

We started with some basic exercise of  vocabulary repetition but with some TPR (total physical response) :
I said , for example : " eyes" and students repeated .Then I said wink and I would wink so they could copy my action 

"head" "Nod your head" -
head-nodding etc...

Afterwards students completed some writing exercises on the book and read a text on physical description. After rehearsing the dialogue they role played it and I think it was also fun because it was a well known children's game "blind goat":

I blindfolded one child and I pointed to another child to come close.The first one started this dialogue:
 - What colour is your hair?
 - My hair is...
 - What colour are your eyes?
 - My eyes are...
 - You are...

After a while students started to change their voices to make it more difficult to guess who was answering the questions and all the while they were having so much fun BUT also learning basic structures on plysical description :)

Ps: Although improvised this was a great lesson 

quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013

New year's resolutions -3ºA and 3ºB

Hello! Last lesson I showed 3rd graders a power point on New year's resolutions and after talking about that they chose one resolution they are going to try to accomplish during January. Have a look!

Click to change the slides

Na aula passada mostrei aos alunos do 3º ano um power point com algumas resoluções de Ano Novo e depois de conversarmos sobre as mesmas , eles escolheram uma para tentarem cumprir durante Janeiro. Vejam:

Cliquem na seta para ver os slides


sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2013

Jobs - 2ºA


Last lesson we started the theme jobs with a story from kizclub "What I want to be" It was interesting to see that they have a different perception of jobs than people used to have some years ago.For example, they asked about a job that wasn't in the story "football player" and the girls asked what is the english word for "cabeleireira "(hairdresser).

 After the story I asked them "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Some of the answers(with my help of course) were:
- hairdresser
- football player
- basketball player
- police officer
- masseuse
- taxi driver and stories museum director (this one was a girl :)

Then we made a graphic to understand the most popular jobs in the class - football players and hairdressers won ;)

Finally we played a miming game : I said some jobs and they had to mime the actions related to that jobs. So much fun , for them and for me ;)

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2013