sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

"Who let the pets out?" song - 1º C

As 1st graders are learning about pets, this week song is an adaption of the well known song "Who let the dogs out?" by Baha men.
The lyrics of the song I taught 1ºC yesterday and I will taught 1ºB next week is the  following:

Como os alunos do 1º ano estão a aprender os animais de estimação, a canção desta semana é uma adaptação que eu fiz á conhecida canção dos Baha Men "Who let the dogs out"
A letra da minha adaptação, que só ensinei, por enquanto ao 1ºC, é a seguinte:

Who let the pets out?

Who let the dog out?
woof, woof, woof
Who let the dogs out?
woof, woof, woof

Who let the cats out?
Meow, meow, meow
Who let the cats out?
Meow, meow, meow

Who let the birds out?
Chirp, chirp, chirp
Who let the birds out?
Chirp, chirp, chirp

Who let the hamsters out?
hiii, hiii, hiii
Who let the hamsters out?
hiii, hiii, hiii

Who let the fish out?
Pop, pop, pop
Who let the fish out?
Pop, pop, pop "

ps: Esta canção era para ter sido ensinada também ao 1ºB esta semana,mas devido à demora com outros trabalhos, os quais não podemos contar às mamãs;) tivemos de adiar. Para a semana também o 1ºB irá aprender "Who let the pets out?" 

quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012

story "Taking care of mom" - 3ºC


Last lesson 3ºC listened to a delightful story called "Take care of mom" by Gina and Mercer Mayer
Before listening to the story I wrote some important words from the story: mom, dad, grandma, sick, eat breakfast, chips, get dressed, sister, spill the jar, bed, sandwich, puppy, box of tissues, toys, clean up take care. After discussing the meaning of the words and expressions, through gestures, descriptions and drawings, students tried to guess what was going to happened in the story. Some ideas were:

“Puppy spill the jar”  
“Grandma is fun”
“Mom clean up”

“Dad eats breakfast”

“Puppy eat sandwich”
Etc… Apart from the grammar mistakes (not to worry) it was interesting to listen to their guesses and imagination ;)

When they listened to the story for the first time, they had to check if their first guess was right or not, a simple task because I think a story is something to first of all to enjoy. The second time they’ve listened to the story, they had to order the words previously given. While correcting this task I asked them some questions about the story, for example: “Who spilled the jar?”, “Who made the sandwich?”, “What were the tissues for?”

Na aula passada o 3ºC ouviu uma história maravilhosa chamada "Taking care of mom" de Gina e Mercer Mayer . Antes de ouvir a história eu escrevi algumas palavras importantes da mesma no quadro: mom, dad, grandma, sick, eat breakfast, chips, get dressed, sister, spill the jar, bed, sandwich, puppy, box of tissues, toys, clean up take care. Depois de discutir o significado das palavras e expressões, através de gestos, de descrições e desenhos, os alunos tentaram adivinhar o que estava iria acontecer na história. Algumas ideias foram: “Puppy spill the jar”
“Grandma is fun”
“Mom clean up”
“Dad eats breakfast”
“Puppy eat sandwich”
etc... Tirando os erros de gramática (não muito preocupantes nesta fase) foi interessante ouvir as suas suposições e imaginação;)  Quando eles ouviram a história pela  primeira vez ,tinham que verificar  se sua primeira suposição estava certa ou não, uma tarefa simples porque eu acho que uma história é algo que antes de mais deve ser para apreciar/desfrutar. A segunda vez que ouviram a história, tinham que ordenar as palavras anteriormente dadas. Enquanto corrigia a tarefa , fui fazendo algumas questões sobre o conto, por exemplo: “Who spilled the jar?”, “Who made the sandwich?”, “What were the tissues for?”

I love this story and I think students loved it too 

terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

"We are the champions" song and Farm animals in 4ºC

Last lesson we started celebrating the victory in the contest "Pequenos Liladores descobrem as AEC". As Ana Beatriz, Mariana and Pedro won 1st place in that competition we sang the chorus of the song "We are the champions" by Queen
I emphasized the idea that winners are those that work hard, do their best and never give up, because we won the competition due to this values and attitudes , it was the students hard work and dedication that lead them to victory.

Começamos a aula passada celebrando a vitória no concurso"Pequenos Liladores descobrem as AEC". Como a Ana ,a Mariana e o Pedro ganharam o 1º lugar na competição, nós cantamos o refrão da canção "We are the champions" dos Queen

Enfatizei o facto de que vencedores são aqueles que trabalham com afinco, dão o seu melhor e nunca desistem, pois a competição foi ganha devido a estes valores e atitudes; foi o trabalho duro e a dedicação dos alunos que os levou à vitória.

Afterwards we continue the study of animals, in particular the farm animals. Through a miming game, students answered the question "How do animals move?" and then they filled in the following worksheet and a similar one in their notebooks, but this time about farm animals.

Later on, students filled in a chart about animals body coverings

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Concurso Pequenos Lidadores descobrem as AEC

Today we had such a good time in auditório da Venepor with  Pequenos Lidadores descobrem as AEC!! And.... our team Ana Beatriz, Mariana and Pedro won the competion! Great team spirit, effort and work! Congratulations Ana,Mariana e Pedro!!! You are the champions!

quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

Pets revision+ directions

Last lesson 3ºB and 3ºC played a game in which they had to draw animals in a grid similar to tic tac toe according to the directions I gave them(up,down,left,right).The animals were not the ones on the picture but dog,cat,bird,mouse,fish.

Na aula passada o 3ºB e o 3ºC jogaram um jogo de revisão no qual tinham de desenhar animais domésticos numa grelha semelhante à do jogo do galo.Os desenhos tinham de ser feitos de acordo com as direcções que eu lhes dava( em cima,em baixo,direita e esquerda). Os animais mencionados no jogo não eram os destas imagens,mas sim o cão,gato,pássaro, rato e peixe.

The students were really motivated! :)

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

House revisions - 1ºB and 1ºC

Last lesson we revised the parts of the house and some furniture with the following exercise.

Na aula passada fizemos revisões das partes da casa e algum mobiliário

I helped them, because they don'te read yet.I told them the parts of the house and they pasted the furniture and objects in the correct rooms in the house.

Eu ajudei-os, uma vez que eles ainda não lêem. Disse-lhes/Li as partes da casa e eles colaram a mobília e objectos nas divisões correctas. 

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012

"What the ladybird heard" - 4ºC

Last lesson it was story time in 4ºC classroom.This time the story was "What the ladybird heard".Have a look at this pictures. Can you spot the teacher?;)

Na aula passada foi dia de conto na sala do 4ºC.Desta vez o conto foi "What the ladybird heard". Vejam as fotos.Conseguem encontrar a teacher?;)

Students guessed the animals from the noise each makes, then we've discussed the cover of the book , the facial expressions of the animals and what could that mean.During the story students made the animal "voices" and tried to guess the plan of the thieves and the idea of the ladybird.Afterwards they've played the ostrich's game with the animal pictures.

Os alunos adivinharam os animais presentes na história a partir dos sons que cada um faz, depois conversamos sobre a capa do livro e as expressões faciais dos animais. Durante a história os alunos deram voz aos animais e tentaram adivinhar o planos dos bandidos e a ideia que a ladybird teve. No final , jogaram o jogo da avestruz adaptado( foram coladas imagens de animais nas costas dos alunos,em pares eles viam a imagem do seu colega e faziam a descrição do animal,para que aquele adivinhe qual o animal em questão).

quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

Old McDonald had a house - 3º anos

Here's a song that 3ºB and C have learned in the previous lesson

Old MacDonald has a house
Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u
and in this house he has a mouse a-e-i-o-u
with a SQUEAK SQUEAK here and a SQUEAK SQUEAK there
here a SQUEAK, there a SQUEAK, everywhere a SQUEAK SQUEAK
Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u!

Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u
and in this house he has a dog a-e-i-o-u
with a WOOF WOOF here and a WOOF WOOF there
here a WOOF, there a WOOF, everywhere a WOOF WOOF
Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u!

Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u
and in this house he has a bird a-e-i-o-u
with a CHEEP CHEEP here and a CHEEP CHEEP there
here a CHEEP, there a CHEEP, everywhere a CHEEP CHEEP
Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u

Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u
and in this house he has a fish a-e-i-o-u
with a POP POP here and a POP POP there
here a POP, there a POP everywhere a POP POP
Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u!

Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u
and in this house he has a cat a-e-i-o-u
with a MIAOW MIAOW here and a MIAOW MIAOW there
here a MIAOW, there a MIAOW, everywhere a MIAOW MIAOW
Old Macdonald has a house a-e-i-o-u!