sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2012

yummy treat -easter bunnies

Here's something quite tasty for parents to bake with kids during Easter holidays:
butter biscuits but with the shape of bunnies :)

Watch this video (butter biscuits recipe):

sábado, 24 de março de 2012

Song "Easter bunny"

This was the song I taught this year to my students,it's called "Easter bunny"

it's the easter bunny

red and orange
yellow and blue
the Easter bunny
has eggs for you
How many eggs can you see?
Look in the garden
count with me

it's the easter bunny

Easter bunny - 3ºB

After the Easter song "Easter bunny" 3ºC made  lovely bunnies as this one in the picture
On the back of the bunny the message "Happy Easter"

quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

Easter chicks - 3ºC

Easter time is time of birth and joy, time of blooming and so 3ºC made little chicks out of styrofoam eggs. Have a look!Aren't they gorgeous?

O tempo da Páscoa é tempo de nascimento e alegria, tempo de florescimento e então o 3ºC fez pintainhos a partir de ovos de esferovite.Vejam! Não estão lindos?

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Blowing kisses - 1ºB and 1ºC

1ºB and 1ºC made a special present for their dads: first I took a picture of each one blowing a kiss with love to their dad, then they molded a little heart with play do , stick a little stick and clip to the heart in order to make a frame.Here's the result:

O 1ºB e 1ºC fizeram um presente especial para os papás: 1º eu tirei-lhe uma foto em que estavam a soprar um beijo com amor para o papá, depois eles moldaram um coração em plasticina e inseriram um pauzinho e um clip no pequeno coração,para fazer um porta-fotografias.Aqui está o resultado:

ps: os rostos dos alunos estão cobertos  por protecção e por não ter indicação dos pais de autorização de publicação de fotos de rosto.

House - 1ºB

I've finally took a photo of the house in 1ºB classroom.With this house we can do a lot of exercises related to the rooms of the house and furniture: songs, tell a story, total physical response activities(ex:Simon says touch the bedroom, Simon says run to the bathroom,etc...)

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

"daddy I love you so" - song

Hello! Here's the complete song.
A parte que os alunos aprenderam é mais ou menos a meio(minutos 0:37 até 0:57). :)

quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012

song "Daddy, I love you !" - 1ºC

Here's a special song for every father.1ºC sang it today, with my little help:)

Fica aqui uma canção especial para todos os pais.O 1ºC cantou-a hoje com a minha ajudinha:)

terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

"Froggy gets dressed" - 4ºC

After telling this lovely story to 4ºC we've practised the vocabulary related to clothes and weather with some games: "Dress froggy" board game,which I created and "Dress your classmate" which was a group game in which two members should tell, according to a weather card, what their classmate should wear and the other two members should dress up that classmate.

Depois de contar esta história maravilhosa ao 4ºC ,estes praticaram o vocabulário relacionado com o vestuário e o tempo através de alguns jogos: jogo de tabuleiro que eu criei e dei o título de "dress froggy" e o jogo "dress your classmate" que era um jogo de grupo em que dois membros, a partir de um cartão com determinado tempo meteorológico, dizem a outros dois o que o seu colega deve vestir.

segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

Vanilla and chocolate cupcake recipe

A pedido de alguns, fica aqui a recipe dos cupcakes:

 140 grams baking flour   
110grams sugar
 110 grams butter
 2 Egg
¼ teaspoon vanilla essence
Half a cup of chocolate powder
Put the instructions in the right order:
1. First, put sugar, butter in a bowl
2. Then stir the sugar and butter.
3. Then combine the eggs and vanilla essence in the previous mixture
4. Put the flour and chocolate
5. Mix all the ingredients
6. Put the mixture in silicone liners and put them in microwave for 3 minutes
7. Wait until it stops rising
8. Last, tip contents out of liners and enjoy! 

sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Fruit salad - 3ºB

Last Wednesday, 3ºB had special guests , some students parents and grandparents. Students have been learning about food, so to continue they've played some games:

1st one - "Label the food" in a poster with the following labels "quiet tasty", "not so bad" and "I don't like it", during the participation of each group, the rest of the class and family had to raise their paddles if they agree with the labels given to food.

2nd one -  "Guess the fruit" - I've brought a fruit salad (a real one) and in each group a person was blind folded and had to listen his/her group telling the colour of the fruit, then they had to smell and taste the fruit and finally guess it

3rd one - Groups were given a food pyramid and they had to match the names of food with the right level of the pyramid

I think it went very well:)

3ºC - cupcake day

Last Tuesday, 3ºC and 2º C had a different lesson. As they are learning about food, we've prepared a story "Cupcake man" to tell . Students had to stick pictures from the story in their apron. They've also repeated the cupcake man song "Run, run as fast as you can; you can't catch me I'm the cupcake man":)
After that, in groups and with the help from teachers(Anabela e Carla Pinto) and some parents(our special guests) they've baked chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. So much fun and so delicious!!

Na passada terça-feira o 3º C e 2ºC tiveram uma aula diferente.Como estavam a aprender sobre os alimentos, preparamos um conto  "Cupcake man". Os alunos tinham de ouvir e colar imagens de personagens do conto no seu avental. Cantaram também uma pequena canção do cupcake man. Depois , em grupos e com a ajuda das teachers (Anabela e Carla Pinto) e de alguns pais confeccionaram cupcakes de chocolate e baunilha. Tão divertido e delicioso!!

sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012